
Romans Unlocked: Power to Deliver is unavailable, but you can change that!

Romans Unlocked is a commentary on Paul’s epistle written with the clear theological insight of faith, and with the conviction that an epistle must be read as a whole. René A. Lopez brings his extensive familiarity with the interpretive literature surrounding Romans, as well as the broader discussion of Paul and second Temple Judaism, to bear in this commentary. Where the literature relates to...

refer to one’s deliverance from sin’s penalty of eternal judgment, since the judicial phrase in Christ Jesus (3:24; 6:11, 23) is connected to the term condemnation (Moo, Romans, 472–73). This would imply eternal security for all believers, since they are not in the unregenerate state Paul described in 3:20 or perhaps 7:7–25. Thus Romans 8:1 ending in v 34 may form an inclusio (cf. 1:5 for definition) teaching eternal security to strengthen believers. (2) Since the first view does not completely account
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